Sheep Indonesia Institute
Informasi tentang Sheep Indonesia Institute contoh Odoo, Open Source ERP .
Aplikasi yang Diinstal
- Print Survey Answers | Survey Report
- Print Survey Answers survey answers report all in one survey survey print download survey answer report
- Spiffy Backend Community Theme
- The ultimate Odoo Backend theme with the most advanced key features of all time. Get your own personalized view while working on the Backend system with a wide range of choices. Spiffy theme has 3 in 1 Theme Style, Progressive Web App, Fully Responsive for all apps, Configurable Apps Icon, App Drawer with global search, RTL & Multi-Language Support, and many other key features.
- Penagihan
- Faktur & Pembayaran
- Lacak prospek dan peluang dekat
- Website
- Website builder enterprise
- eCommerce
- Jual produk Anda online
- Pemasaran Email
- Rancang, kirim dan lacak email
- Dokumen
- Manajemen dokumen
- Perekrutan
- Lacak pipeline rekrutmen
- Karyawan
- Pusatkan informasi karyawan
- AIT | Scholarship Management
- Local Video Snippet
- Local Video Snippet allows you to upload local video for content snippet on website.
- Hide any menu by user group
- Hide any menu by user group
- Corpomate Theme - Multipurpose Corporate Theme
- Corporate Theme Construction Theme Medical Theme Finance Theme Business Theme SaaS Theme Digital Mobile App Web App Creative Corporate Theme Multipurpose Theme Pet Care Theme salon Theme Industry Theme Laboratory Theme agriculture Theme NGO Theme Fitness Theme Law Theme Transportation Theme Attractive corporate website Customizable corporate website Futuristic corporate website Responsive corporate website Clean theme Attractive corporate Theme Customizable Website Theme Professional Corporate Theme Odoo
- Diskusi
- Chat, gateway email dan channel privat
- Kontak
- Pusatkan buku alamat Anda
- Kalender
- Jadwalkan meeting karyawan
- Persetujuan
- Buat dan validasikan permintaan approval
- Survei
- Kirim survei Anda atau bagikan secara live.
- Manajemen Keahlian
- Kelola keterampilan, pengetahuan dan resume karyawan Anda
- Pekerjaan Online
- Kelola proses perekrutan online Anda